Graptemys ouachitensis Cagle – Ouachita Map Turtle
Graptemys ouachitensis Cagle – Ouachita Map Turtle

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     Exact locality, based on specimen(s) or photographs examined
     Exact locality, based on literature record believed valid
     Approximate locality based on specimen(s) or photographs examined
     Approximate locality based on literature record believed valid
     County record only, based on specimens or photographs examined
     County record only, based on literature report believed valid
     Type locality
?      Questionable and/or problematic record

Taxonomy: Of the two recognized subspecies of G. ouachitensis (Iverson et al. 2012), only G. o. ouachitensis (Ouachita Map Turtle) occurs in Tennessee (Ernst and Lovich 2009).

Distribution: Scattered records of this map turtle come from the upper and lower reaches of the Tennessee River drainage in East and Middle Tennessee and the Mississippi River and a few of its tributaries in West Tennessee.  We are aware of no records from the Tennessee portion of the Cumberland River drainage.

Museum Records by Counties: Claiborne—USNM 86675.  Decatur—AUM 9136-9138.  Hamilton—APSU 19762.  Hardeman—APSU 17342, 17343.  Hawkins—APSU 19098.  Humphreys—FLMNH 3098; UMMZ 99230.  Lake—CMNH 87530, 95402, 95403, 107624, 107736; TU 19663-19676; USNM 102678.  Meigs—NCSM 8579, 8942.  Obion—KU 88752-88757.  Perry—TTU 16937.  Rhea—UTKVZC 3756.  Roane—USNM 86670.  Stewart—APSU 158, 804, 805, 5387, 17561.  Tipton—UTKVZC 6972.

Literature Sources by Counties: Benton—Hutchinson et al. (1966).  Decatur—Vogt (1993).  Hamilton—Mays (2017).  Hardeman—Norton (1971), Norton and Harvey (1975). Hawkins—Daniels et al. (2012).  Henry—Lindeman (2013).  Humphreys—Cagle (1953), Gentry (1956), Vogt (1993), Williamson (2001a).  Lake—Moll (1976), Vogt (1993).  Meigs—Johnson (1958).  Perry—Vogt (1993). Roane—Johnson (1964), Van Dyke et al. (2013).

Questionable and/or Erroneous Records: See account for G. pseudogeographica.

Conservation Status: None.

Posted: 8 June 2011

Latest Revision: 28 August 2017

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