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Exact locality, based on specimen(s) or photographs examined | |
Exact locality, based on literature record believed valid | |
Approximate locality based on specimen(s) or photographs examined | |
Approximate locality based on literature record believed valid | |
County record only, based on specimens or photographs examined | |
County record only, based on literature report believed valid | |
Type locality | |
? | Questionable and/or problematic record |
The Rough Earthsnake is known only from a few counties in southwestern
Museum Records by Counties:
Perry—APSU 12238.
Shelby—APSU 12217, 12219,
12222, 12223, 12225, 12226, 12228, 12231-12234, 12236, 12345-12353, 12404,
12405, 12413-12415, 12571, 12573, 12575-12578, 12580, 12631-12633, 12712-12714,
12739-12741, 12754-12759, 12765, 12797-12799, 12970, 12971, 12975-12977, 12979,
14057-14060, 14062-14071, 14075-14079, 14086, 15797, 15798, 15800, 16201-16205,
16674, 17138, 17140, 17141, 17145, 17150-17152, 17156-17159, 17161, 17164,
17165, 17376; UMMZ 84406.
Literature Sources by Counties:
Fayette—Parker (1948).
Hardeman—Norton and Harvey (1975).
Questionable and/or Erroneous Records:
One specimen originally in the Memphis State
University Collection, but now in the Austin Peay State University Collection
(APSU 12238) was collected from Anderson Cave in Perry County.
The identification of the specimen is correct.
Because we were not able to locate an
Conservation Status: None.
Posted: 17 September 2008
Latest Revision: 17 March 2018
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APSU Center for Field Biology
This document is being adapted to the WWW by Jean Langley, Floyd Scott, and Rusty Smith.